
Centro Atomico Bariloche, Argentina andCONICET, Argentina(Received 26 April 2010)We present new cross section libraries for two materials of interest as very cold and ultra coldneutron moderators: solid Methane in phase II and solid Deuterium. A simple model to describe theinteraction of slow neutrons with solid methane in phase II (T <20.4 K) was developed, includingthe main dynamical features of the system and the e ect of spin correlations. Its predictionsare in good agreement with a quantum mechanical calculation over the limited range where thelatter was formulated, and with available experimental information over the complete thermalenergy range. Also, we introduce cross section libraries based on a new scattering kernel recentlydeveloped to describe the interaction of slow neutrons with solid Deuterium (T <18.7 K). The maincharacteristics of that system are contained in the model, including the lattice’s density of states,the Young-Koppel quantum treatment of the rotations, and the internal molecular vibrations. Theelastic processes involving coherent and incoherent contributions are fully described, as well as thespin-correlation e ects. The results from the new model are compared with the best availableexperimental data, showing very good agreement.

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