
Recently we proposed a framework for explaining the observed evidence for neutrino oscillations without enlarging the neutrino sector, by introducing CPT-violating Dirac masses for the neutrinos. In this Letter we continue the exploration of the phenomenology of CPT violation in the neutrino sector. We show that our CPT-violating model fits the existing SuperKamiokande data at least as well as the standard atmospheric neutrino oscillation models. We discuss the challenge of measuring CP violation in a neutrino sector that also violates CPT. We point out that the proposed off-axis extension of MINOS looks especially promising in this regard. Finally, we describe a method to compute CPT-violating neutrino effects by mocking them up with analog matter effects.


  • As discussed in [1], CP T violation has the potential to explain all existing neutrino anomalies without either enlarging the neutrino sector or introducing other new degrees of freedom

  • As in any model designed to include an explanation of the appearance signal observed in LSND, the most sonorous confirmation of our proposal will arise with the confirmation of LSND itself by MiniBooNE [3]

  • While this will not be enough in itself to claim that CP T is violated, the smoking gun of our model is that MiniBooNE will see an appearance signal only when running in the antineutrino mode and not in the neutrino one

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As discussed in [1] (see [2]), CP T violation has the potential to explain all existing neutrino anomalies without either enlarging the neutrino sector or introducing other new degrees of freedom. KamLAND will not see an oscillation signal, even if the mass difference involved in the solar neutrino oscillations lives in the LMA region This evidence by itself will not be hailed as evidence of CP T violation. The mass difference involved in solar neutrino oscillations (the smaller in the neutrino sector) is fixed to its best-fit point in the LMA region, i.e. In a CP T violating scenario varying this parameter pushes the fit to large values of ∆m 2atm ( >∼ 0.1eV 2), where the rapidly oscillating antineutrino contribution washes out, becoming essentially equivalent to a shift in the flux ratio This possibility is best regarded as complementary to our results. While the shape and possibly even the number of minima may change with a finer resolution scan, we expect the overall correlation between the parameters evident from the figure to remain

CP vs CP T
Resuscitating the ether
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