
We discuss the fluxes of high energy neutrinos and γ-rays expected from AGNs if hadrons can be effectively accelerated to ultra-high energies by their relativistic jets, as currently believed. Fluxes of multi-TeV neutrinos detectable by km-scale detectors like IceCube could be expected from powerful blazars where strong accretion-disk radiation is present in the AGN cores. Gamma-ray fluxes of hadronic origin can be important for flares in the compact jets of these sources up to GeV energies, but they will be insignificant for BL Lac objects. Production of UHE neutral beams composed of neutrons and γ-rays can drive straight collimated jets in the intergalactic medium on multi-kpc scales, which could be resolved by the Chandra X-ray observatory. While we do not expect any significant neutrino flux from these large-scale jets, we predict γ-rays of synchrotron origin in the energy range from sub-GeV up to TeV energies, which would be detectable by GLAST and ground-based γ-ray telescopes.

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