
AbstractThe question to answer is: What do we need to know about neutrinos which will lead us to dark matter searches. In this direction, the second question is why neutrinos are so important. The 2015 Nobel was given to the discoverer of neutrinos: SNO and Super-Kamiokande which was for solar neutrinos and atmospheric neutrinos; in 2016, the Breakthrough Prize went to the experiments in neutrino physics: Daya Bay, SNO, Super-Kamiokande, T2K, and KamLAND which established different aspects of neutrino oscillations. Daya Bay determined the mixing angle, SNO solved the solar neutrino problem along with KamLAND, and T2K and Super K in Japan also threw light on oscillations in neutrinos. In 2020, an article by T2K in nature on the Constraint on matter–antimatter symmetry-violating phase in neutrino oscillations has been published where in the electron–positron beam they find hints on CP violation which may help us understand matter–antimatter symmetry. Neutrinos played an important role in establishing the Standard Model, i.e., the Unified Electroweak model. Neutrinos are ubiquitous in astrophysics and cosmology, i.e., they tell about stellar evolution, supernova explosions, CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background), LSS (Large Scale Structure), BBN (Big bang Nucleosynthesis), and synthesis of heavy elements in the Universe. These studies of neutrinos give good skills to work for BSM scenarios like dark matter particles search. Neutrino masses are the first measurements of BSM physics. The future experiments as DUNE, Hyper K, JUNO, SBN at FNAL, IceCube-Gen2, nEXO, LEGEND, CMB-S4, and many more generations in this direction.KeywordsNeutrinoSolar neutrinosNeutrino oscillations

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