
The R-symmetry formalism is applied for the supersymmetric economical SU(3)cSU(3)LU(1))x(3-3-1) model. The generalization of the minimal supersymmetric standard model relation among R-parity, spin and matter parity is derived, and discrete symmetries for the proton stability in this model are imposed. We show that in such a case it is able to give leptons masses at just the tree level. A simple mechanism for the mass generation of the neutrinos is explored. With the new R-parity, the neutral fermions get mass matrix with two distinct sectors: one light which is identified with neutrino mass matrix, another heavy one which is identified with neutralinos one. The similar situation exists in the charged fermion sector. Some phenomenological consequences such as proton stability, neutrinoless double beta decays are discussed.


  • The Standard Model (SM) gives very good results in explaining the observed properties of the charged fermions, it is unlikely to be the ultimate theory

  • The analyses presented in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) to the neutrinoless double beta decay are still hold in the SUSYECO331 model, because the is allowed in our superpotential as shown at Equation (22)

  • In this paper we have presented new R-symmetry for the supersymmetric economical SU (3)C SU (3)L U (1)X mode and studied neutrino mass by implication for the obtained R-parity

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The Standard Model (SM) gives very good results in explaining the observed properties of the charged fermions, it is unlikely to be the ultimate theory. Higgs sector for breaking the gauge symmetry and generating the fermion masses. The 3-3-1 model with right-handed neutrinos gives the tree level neutrino mass spectrum with three Dirac fermions, one massless and two degenerate in mass [29] This is clearly not realistic under the experimental data. This pattern may be severely changed by quantum effects and gives rise to an inverted hierarchy mass pattern This is a specific feature of the 3-3-1 model with right-handed neutrinos which was considered in Ref. In the supersymmetric 3-3-1 model with right-handed neutrinos (SUSY331RN) [31,32], the R-parity was already studied and we have shown that if R-symmetry is broken, the simple mechanism for the neutrinos mass can be constructed [33].

Q3 ˆ Tc 2iQ3 ˆ uic 2 Q3 ˆ Tc
The Discrete Symmetry for Proton Stability and Neutrino Masses in SUSYECO331
Fermion Masses
Masses of the Neutral Fermions
Masses of the Charged Fermions
Nucleon Decay in the SUSYECO331
Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay in SUSYECO331
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