
Within the framework of grand unified theories, we make full analysis of symmetric texture to see if such texture can reproduce large neutrino mixings, which have recently been confirmed by the observed solar and atmospheric neutrino oscillation experiments. It is found that so-called symmetric texture with anomalous U(1) family symmetry with Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism does not provide a natural explanation of two large mixing angles. On the contrary we should adopt "zero texture" which have been extensively studied by many authors and only this scenario can reproduce two large mixing angles naturally. Under such "zero texture" with minimal symmetric Majorana matrix, all the neutrino masses and mixing angles, 6 quantities, are expressed in terms of up-quark masses, $m_t,m_c,m_u$ with two adjustable parameters. This provides interesting relations among neutrio mixing angles, $\tan^2 2\theta_{12} \simeq \frac{144m_c}{m_t} \tan^2 2\theta_{23} \cos^2 \theta_{23}, \quad \sin^2 \theta_{13} \simeq \frac{4m_c}{m_t}\sin^2 \theta_{23} \cos^2 \theta_{12}$. Thus $|U_{e3}|$ is predicted to lie within the range $0.01-0.06$. Also absolute masses of three neutrinos are predicted almost uniquely. This is quite in contrast to the case where bi-large mixings come from the charged lepton sector with non-symmetric mass matrix, which does not provide the information of neutrino masses.

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