
"This article takes the National Christian Council of China (NCC) as a ease study. By examining the responses from various stakeholder both mainline Chinese Protestants and western mission within the NCC to the campaigns for the abrogation of the unequal treaties during the period of 1925——1926, it aims to reveal the tension and interaction between Christian missions? Chinese churches and the nationalist discourse. This article argues that although both Protestant missions and Chinese churches were in general the beneficiaries of the utoleration clauses“ of the unequal treaties and were aware of the necessity of drawing a clear borderline with the treaties > the two parties viewed the matter from different standpoints. To the majority of the missionary societies associated with the NCC > it was a diplomatic matter to be solved through formal negotiation between the governments. Whereas to most of the mainline Chinese Protestants> it had developed into a fundamental factor causing not only Christianity's unfavourable position in Chinese society, but also China's backwardness and uhumiliation. Considerably influenced by the nationalist discourse? they ardently engaged themselves in the campaigns to abrogate the unequal treaties > individually or as a group. Specific Chinese socio-political context and the nationalist discourse contributed significantly to the divergence of views. The NCC, incorporating both sides?was obliged to make a prompt response to the treaty issue and struggled to find common ground among the cooperating bodies.

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