
We report on the tradeoff between current gain β and the base sheet resistance RSH in metalorganic chemical vapor deposition-grown NpN InP∕GaAs1−xSbx∕InP double-heterojunction bipolar transistors (DHBTs) with heavy base carbon-doping levels resulting in hole concentrations NB ranging from 4×1019 to 12×1019∕cm3. In contrast to Ga0.47In0.53As and GaAs–based transistors, which both display gain variations proportional to 1∕(NB×WB)2 due to Auger recombination at high doping levels, neutral base recombination in InP∕GaAsSb∕InP DHBTs is not limited by Auger processes, and the measured current gain is proportional to 1∕(NB×WB). We show that GaAs1−xSbx base layers offer a growing lifetime advantage over Ga0.47In0.53As with increasing doping levels. Potential explanations for the observed suppression of Auger recombination in the InP–GaAsSb system are proposed.

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