
1. The uptake of neutral amino acids from the blood into the cells of the choroid plexus was studied by means of the rapid (less than 40 s) single-circulation paired-tracer dilution technique in the isolated perfused choroid plexus of the sheep. 2. The study provides the first direct evidence for the carrier-mediated entry of neutral amino acids from blood into the cells of the choroid plexus. 3. In the terms of Christensen's classification the presence of L-amino acid carrier systems for large neutral amino acids with bulky side chains has been demonstrated. 4. No measurable uptake of [14C]methyl amino isobutyric acid ([14C]MeAIB) during a single passage through the choroid plexus circulation was demonstrated which indicates the probable absence of a significant 'A' transport system. 5. The uptake of small neutral amino acids such as glycine and L-alanine was shown to be carrier-mediated. Results suggest that these amino acids are mainly transported by the glycine and ASC carrier systems, respectively. 6. The results suggest that there is a similarity between the transport systems for neutral amino acids on the blood side of both the blood-brain barrier and blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier, the exception being for the presence of a glycine carrier on the blood side of the choroid plexus.

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