
The immunochemical occurrence and localization of the Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) family ligands neurturin (NTN), persephin (PSP), and artemin (ART) is described in the human postmortem hippocampus and fascia dentata from subjects aged 21 weeks of gestation to 88 years. The detectability of NTN, PSP, and ART is shown in the rat by Western blot and immunohistochemistry up to 70 h postmortem. In the human tissue, labeled neuronal perikarya were detectable for each trophin at all examined ages, with prevalent localization in the pyramidal layer of the Ammon's horn and hilus and granular layer of the fascia dentata. In the adult subjects, punctate elements were also present. Comparison of the pattern of immunoreactive structures among young and adult subjects suggests that intracellular distribution and/or trafficking of the GDNF family ligands may undergo age-related changes. Labeled glial elements were also identifiable. Western blot analysis indicates that the availability of the dimeric and monomeric forms of the trophins may vary with age and postmortem delay. The results obtained suggest the involvement of NTN, PSP, and ART in processes subserving both the organization of this cortical region during development and the functional activity and maintenance of the mature human hippocampal neurons.

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