
The distribution of dopamine D 1 and D 2 receptors was investigated in the pigeon brain using in vitro receptor autoradiography. D 1 receptors were labeled in slide-mounted tissue sections with [ 3H]SCH 23390. The agonist [ 3H]CV 205–502 and the antagonist [ 3H]spiroperidol were used to label D 2 receptors. The highest densities of both D 1 and D 2 receptors were concentrated in the paleostriatum augmentatum, lobus paraolfactorius and olfactory tubercle. D 1 receptors were in addition enriched in the entire pigeon telencephalon with exception of the ectostriatum. In contrast, no significant densities of D 2 receptors were observed in the pallium. D 2 but not D 1 receptors were present in the tectum and nucleus pretectalis. The cerebellum presented D 1 but not D 2 receptors. These results demonstrate that in the avian brain, like in the mammalian one, both dopamine D 1 and D 2 receptors are concentrated in ‘striatal’ areas, while the telencephalon is rich in D 1 but not D 2 receptors.

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