
Today most clinical investigators agree that the common denominator for successful therapy in subjects after central nervous system (CNS) lesions is to induce concentrated, repetitive practice of the more affected limb as soon as possible after the onset of impairment. This paper reviews representative methods of neurorehabilitation such as constraining the less affected arm and using a robot to facilitate movement of the affected arm, and focuses on functional electrotherapy promoting the movement recovery. The functional electrical therapy (FET) encompasses three elements: 1) control of movements that are compromised because of the impairment, 2) enhanced exercise of paralyzed extremities, and 3) augmented activity of afferent neural pathway. Liberson et al. (1) first reported an important result of the FET; they applied a peroneal stimulator to enhance functionally essential ankle dorsiflexion during the swing phase of walking. Merletti et al. (2) described a similar electrotherapeutic effect for upper extremities; they applied a two-channel electronic stimulator and surface electrodes to augment elbow extension and finger extension during different reach and grasp activities. Both electrotherapies resulted in immediate and carry-over effects caused by systematic application of FET. In studies with subjects after a spinal cord lesion at the cervical level (chronic tetraplegia) (3-5) or stroke (6), it was shown that FET improves grasping and reaching by using the following outcome measures: the Upper Extremity Function Test (UEFT), coordination between elbow and shoulder movement, and the Functional Independence Measure (FIM). Externally applied electrical stimuli provided a strong central sensory input which could be responsible for the changes in the organization of impaired sensory-motor mechanisms. FET resulted in stronger muscles that were stimulated directly, as well as exercising other muscles. The ability to move paralyzed extremities also provided awareness (proprioception and visual feedback) of enhanced functional ability as being very beneficial for the recovery. FET contributed to the increased range of movement in the affected joints, increased speed of joint rotations, reduced spasticity, and improved functioning measured by the UEFT, the FIM and the Quadriplegia Index of Function (QIF).

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