
Status epilepticus (SE) may lead to or worsen cognitive dysfunction. Few studies have evaluated magnitude and profile of cognitive dysfunction in patients after SE. Characterization of cognitive deficits may be important for rehabilitation and follow-up. We assessed cognitive function in a consecutive, non-selected group of relatively healthy survivors with a comprehensive neuropsychological test battery. A total of 33 patients (24 men, 9 women; mean age 54,9years, mean education 11,8years) were tested 1year after SE with Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Fourth edition (WAIS-IV), Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, subtests from the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised, Phonemic and Semantic word list generation, and the Halstead-Reitan Battery. Premorbid IQ was estimated with a Norwegian version of the National Adult Reading Test (NART). Results were compared to published norms. Regression analyses and independent groups t-tests were performed to assess the influence of background variables. Mean performance generally was about one standard deviation below average. Full scale IQ (WAIS-IV) was significantly reduced compared to estimated premorbid IQ (NART). Negative influence on cognition of brain lesions visible on computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging and duration of SE >30min was shown by group comparisons. SE represents a marker for possible cognitive dysfunction, and follow-up with neuropsychological assessment and cognitive rehabilitation seems warranted in most patients. Complex problem-solving abilities with high general sensitivity to brain impairment showed the most prominent reduction. Otherwise, no specific profile of domain affection was found. Structural brain lesions and duration of SE over 30min represent risk factors for cognitive deficit.

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