
To explore neuropsychological function in two differentiated patterns of platelet monoamine oxidase B (MAO B) activity in alcoholic patients. Neuropsychological examination and platelet MAO B activity extracted from blood were collected from 42 alcohol-dependent patients recruited in the alcoholism unit (NETER) of the Psychiatric Service of Santa Maria University Hospital. Alcoholics presented significantly low levels of platelet MAO B activity, when compared with control subjects; platelet MAO B activity in alcoholics classified as "under average subgroup" showed significant lower scores in the Raven Progressive Matrix and higher scores in hostility dimension, when compared with platelet MAO B activity in "above average subgroup." Results suggested platelet MAO B as a trait marker also to type I alcohol-dependent patients and the two observed associations between platelet MAO B activity with neurocognitive measures of executive functions (nonverbal reasoning) and psychopathological dimension such as hostility may support the notion about the effect of platelet MAO B activity in the further development of an impulsive cognitive style.

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