
Introduction. Neurofunctional state is an essential criterion in assessing the quality of the regulatory mechanisms of autonomic and somatic functions that determine the prognosis and course of vibration disease associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). Objective of the study is to identify neurophysiological signs of changes in the functional state of the nervous system in patients with vibration disease caused by the combined effects of local and general vibration (VD com.) in combination with DM2. Materials and Methods. The group I included (n = 33) - VD com. patients, group II - 30 cases with VD com., burdened with DM2. We used neuroenergy mapping (NEM), registration of somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP). Statistica software was used for statistical processing. Results. Analysis of the severity of changes in DC-potential level in both groups established a statistically significant predominance of persons with an increased average DC-potential level. In group II, when compared with group I, there was an increase in the latency of components N9, N10, N11, N13, N18, N20, N25, N30, bipolar DC-potential level Cz-Pz, local DC-potential level in the central lead of the right hemisphere, decrease in DC-potential level in the central parietal region, bipolar pote ntials Fpz -Ts, Cz-Td, Pz-Oz. As a result of discriminant analysis, the following signs were obtained: indices of the latent period of the peak N13, the duration of the interpeak interval N10-N13, DC-potential level of the central parietal, right central, frontal right, frontal central leads. Discussion. The presence of DM2 in VD com. patients accompanied by disturbances in the neurofunctional state caused by a slowdown in the passage of an afferent impulse at the peripheral and central levels, a decrease in energy exchange in the frontal, central-parietal regions with its increase in the occipital, temporal parts of both hemispheres. Conclusion. Neurophysiological signs of changes in the functional state of the nervous system in VD com. patients with DM2 are a decrease in DC-potential level in the parietal central, frontal central, an increase in the latent period of the peak N13, the duration of the inter-peak interval N10-N13, DC-potential level in the central and frontal regions of the right hemisphere of the brain.

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