
Rare genetic syndromes associated with autism spectrum disorders have several noninvasive neurophysiological markers that can be linked with molecular genetic characteristics and behavioral characteristics in these diseases. For the recently discovered Potocki–Lupski syndrome associated with disturbances on the 17p11.2 segment, a previously undescribed epileptiform activity was detected, characterized by a saw-like hypersynchronization at a frequency of 13 Hz, which may indicate a certain type of disturbance in the excitation/inhibition balance in neural networks. For a rare case of microduplication in SH3 and ankyrin repeat domains 3 (SHANK3), also associated with the Phelan–McDermid syndrome, we described a pathway from a violation in the functioning of the SHANK3 protein, through a distorted interaction of excitatory and inhibitory neurons, primarily associated with hypofunction of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors on inhibitory neurons, to reduced temporal resolution in the auditory cortex, reflected in the absence of response following 40 Hz auditory stimulation (40 Hz auditory steady-state response) and underlying problems in speech development. For the Rett syndrome, which is caused by a mutation in methyl CpG binding protein 2 (MECP2), which has a very wide influence on many other genes, the neurophysiological findings were also diverse. Among the most promising are changes in sensorimotor rhythm, potentially associated with a key symptom of the disease, namely, stereotyped hand movements, as well as more delayed latency of the main components of the event-related potentials, which can have a cascading effect on information processing and affect the perception of basic information, including speech. This review focuses on the presentation of the concept of a neurophysiological profile, the construction of which can help not only to objectify the diagnosis of developmental disorders, but also in the construction of a mechanistic chain from gene to behavior.

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