
Binuclear lanthanide(III) compounds are of great interest because of the potential of their mutual Ln 3+–Ln 3+ electronic couplings to produce unusually sharp images in magnetic resonance and fluorescence imaging of biological tissue. The toxicity and neuropharmacological properties of the water soluble and stable neutral binuclear complex [La( api)] 2 were compared with those of binuclear complexes with lower water stability, and the components used in their syntheses. The order of the 24-h LD 50 (mg/kg body wt.) of the compounds in mice was: salicylaldehyde (2.24)<H 3 api (32.3)<[La 2 L 1 (NO 3) 4]·H 2O (35.1)<triethylenetetramine (38.5)<La 2 L 2 (NO 3)] 2 (43.4)<La(NO 3) 3·5H 2O=[Gd L 3 (NO 3)] 2 (45.7)<La 2 L 4 (NO 3) 4·CH 3OH (49.6)<[La ( api)] 2 (>160). These compounds induced convulsions, urination and defecation in mice. Due to the relatively very low toxicity of [La( api)] 2, its mode of action was explored. Its proconvulsant action may possibly involve an interaction of undissociated complex with muscarinic receptors, and is reversed by atropine.

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