
This study investigated the distribution of neuropeptide Y (NPY) in the brain of the night-migratory redheaded bunting (Emberiza bruniceps). We first cloned the 275-bp NPY gene in buntings, with ≥95% homology with known sequences from other birds. The deduced peptide sequence contained all conserved 36 amino acids chain of the mature NPY peptide, but lacked 6 amino acids that form the NPY signal peptide. Using digosigenin-labeled riboprobe prepared from the cloned sequence, the brain cells that synthesize NPY were identified by in-situ hybridization. The NPY peptide containing cell bodies and terminals (fibers) were localized by immunocytochemistry. NPY mRNA and peptide were widespread throughout the bunting brain. This included predominant pallial and sub-pallial areas (cortex piriformis, cortex prepiriformis, hyperpallium apicale, hippocampus, globus pallidus) and thalamic and hypothalamic nuclei (organum vasculosum laminae terminalis, nucleus (n.) dorsolateralis anterior thalami, n. rotundus, n. infundibularis) including the median eminence and hind brain (n. pretectalis, n. opticus basalis, n. reticularis pontis caudalis pars gigantocellularis). The important structures with only NPY-immunoreactive fibers included the olfactory bulb, medial and lateral septal areas, medial preoptic nucleus, medial suprachiasmatic nucleus, paraventricular nucleus, ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, optic tectum, and ventro-lateral geniculate nucleus. These results demonstrate that NPY is possibly involved in the regulation of several physiological functions (e.g. daily timing feeding, and reproduction) in the migratory bunting.

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