
The obesity syndrome in Zucker rats is associated with an elevated neuropeptide Y (NPY) content in the hypothalamus. It is recognized that the axons of NPY-ergic neurons arriving from the arcuate nucleus and the midbrain are the major source of NPY in this area. In magnocellular hypothalamic neurosecretory neurons (MCN) of normal rats NPY is expressed only in response to hyperosmotic stimulation. This study used immunohistochemistry with colchicine treatment aimed at MCN to compare NPY localization in obese (fa/fa) and in lean (Fa/Fa) Zucker rats. It was found that the obese (fa/fa), in contrast to the lean (Fa/Fa) Zucker rat, displays NPY immunoreactivity in numerous MCN of the paraventricular, supraoptic as well as accessory neurosecretory nuclei. This finding suggests local synthesis of NPY in the MCN of obese (fa/fa) rats and involvement of hydro-osmotic disorders in the Zucker syndrome of obesity.

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