
Peripheral neuropathies are common and complex neurological diseases due to the considerable variety of causes that can result in the same pattern of clinical impairment. These diseases are characterized by motor, sensory and autonomic symptoms that can follow various distribution patterns (mononeuropathy, multiple mononeuropathy, polyradiculoneuropathy and distal symmetrical polyneuropathy). After conducting clinical typing, various additional tests (electrodiagnostic study, laboratory tests, lumbar puncture, peripheral nerve or skin biopsy) should be performed to determine the possible etiology of the clinical pattern presented by the patient. It is important to reach an etiological diagnosis for those neuropathies susceptible to treatment. Radiculopathy is another common disease of the peripheral nervous system and is generally due to mechanical pressure on the root due to degenerative causes (spondyloarthrosis, herniated disc). Brachial plexus or lumbosacral lesions are less common and can be caused by trauma, postradiotherapy lesions and metastatic infiltration, among others.

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