
Abstract Communication in the central nervous system is based on the transmission of electrical signals at specialized junctions between nerve cells termed synapses. During chemical neurotransmission, tiny membrane spheres called synaptic vesicles that are packed with neurotransmitters elicit a postsynaptic response by fusing with the presynaptic membrane and releasing their content into the synaptic cleft. Synaptic vesicle fusion is followed by the reuptake of the membrane by endocytosis and the local reformation of functional synaptic vesicles within the presynaptic compartment to sustain further rounds of neurotransmitter release. Here, we provide an overview of the clathrin-associated endocytic adaptor proteins that help to sort and recycle synaptic vesicles during presynaptic activity. These adaptors also serve additional functions in the turnover of defective or aged synaptic components and in the retrograde axonal transport of important signaling molecules by regulating the formation or transport of autophagosomes. Endocytic adaptors thus play multiple roles in the maintenance of synaptic function. Defects in their expression or function can lead to neurodegenerative and neurological diseases.

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