
The fate of continuously generated cells in the soma clusters of the olfactory midbrain of adult spiny lobsters, Panulirus argus, was investigated by in vivo pulse-chase experiments with the proliferation marker 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) combined with immunostainings for neuropeptides of mature neurons. A BrdU injection after a survival time (ST) of 14 h labeled about 100 nuclei in the lateral soma clusters (LC), comprised of projection neurons, and about 30 nuclei in the medial soma clusters (MC), comprised of local interneurons. The BrdU-positive nuclei were confined to small regions at the inside of these clusters, which also contain nuclei in different phases of mitosis and thus represent proliferative zones. After STs of 2 weeks or 3 months, the number of BrdU-positive nuclei was doubled, indicating a mitosis of all originally labeled cells. Dependent on ST, the BrdU-positive nuclei were translocated from the proliferative zones towards the outside of the clusters, where somata of mature neurons reside. Immunostainings with antibodies to the neuropeptides FMRFamide and substance P, both of which label a large portion of somata in the MC and a pair of giant neurons projecting into the LC, revealed that in both clusters the proliferative zones are surrounded by, but are themselves devoid of, labeling. In the MC, some BrdU-positive somata were double-labeled by the FMRFamide antibody after an ST of 3 months, and by the substance P antibody after STs of 6 and 11/14 months, but not after 3 months. In the LC, BrdU-positive somata after an ST of 3 months partially and after 6 and 11/14 months widely overlapped with the arborizations of the giant neurons, indicating the establishment of synaptic input. The experiments show that cells generated in proliferative zones in the LC and MC of adult spiny lobsters after a final mitosis differentiate into neurons within months, survive for at least 1 year, and are integrated into the circuitry of the olfactory midbrain. A new hypothesis about the mechanism of adult neurogenesis in the central olfactory pathway of decapod crustaceans is developed, linking it to neurogenesis during embryonic and larval development.

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