
Hyperandrogenemia and polycystic ovarian syndrome are a result of the imbalance of androgen levels in females. Androgen receptor (Ar) mediates the effect of androgen, and this study examines how neuronal Ar in the central nervous system (CNS) mediates metabolism under normal and increased androgen conditions in female mice. The neuron specific ARKO mouse (SynARKO) was created from female (Ar fl/wt; synapsin promoter driven Cre) and male (Ar fl/y) mice. Glucose tolerance test revealed impaired glucose tolerance that was partially alleviated in the SynARKO-DHT mice compared to Con-DHT mice after 4-months of DHT treatment. Heat production and food intake was higher in Con-DHT mice compared to Con-veh mice; these effects were not altered between SynARKO-veh and SynARKO-DHT mice, indicating that excess androgens may partially alter calorie intake and energy expenditure in females via the neuronal AR. The pAkt/Akt activity was higher in the hypothalamus in Con-DHT mice compared to the Con-veh mice, and this effect was attenuated in the SynARKO-DHT mice. Western blot studies show that markers of inflammation and microglia activation, such as NF-kB p-65 and IBA1, increased in the hypothalamus of Con-DHT mice compared to Con-veh. These studies suggest that neuronal Ar mediates the metabolic impacts of androgen excess in females.

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