
Neuromuscular choristoma (NMC) is a rare developmental malformation of peripheral nerve that is frequently associated with the development of a desmoid-type fibromatosis (DTF). Both NMC and NMC-DTF typically contain pathogenic CTNNB1 mutations and NMC-DTF develop only within the NMC-affected nerve territory. The authors aimed to determine if there is a nerve-driven mechanism involved in the formation of NMC-DTF from the underlying NMC-affected nerve. Retrospective review was performed for patients evaluated in the authors' institution with a diagnosis of NMC-DTF in the sciatic nerve (or lumbosacral plexus). MRI and FDG PET/CT studies were reviewed to determine the specific relationship and configuration of NMC and DTF lesions along the sciatic nerve. Ten patients were identified with sciatic nerve NMC and NMC-DTF involving the lumbosacral plexus, sciatic nerve, or sciatic nerve branches. All primary NMC-DTF lesions were located in the sciatic nerve territory. Eight cases of NMC-DTF demonstrated circumferential encasement of the sciatic nerve, and one abutted the sciatic nerve. One patient had a primary DTF remote from the sciatic nerve, but subsequently developed multifocal DTF within the NMC nerve territory, including 2 satellite DTFs that circumferentially encased the parent nerve. Five patients had a total of 8 satellite DTFs, 4 of which abutted the parent nerve and 3 that circumferentially involved the parent nerve. Based on clinical and radiological data, a novel mechanism of NMC-DTF development from soft tissues innervated by NMC-affected nerve segments is proposed, reflecting their shared molecular genetic alteration. The authors believe the DTF develops outward from the NMC in a radial fashion or it arises in the NMC and wraps around it as it grows. In either scenario, NMC-DTF develops directly from the nerve, likely arising from (myo)fibroblasts within the stromal microenvironment of the NMC and grows outward into the surrounding soft tissues. Clinical implications for patient diagnosis and treatment are presented based on the proposed pathogenetic mechanism.

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