
Neuromorphic silicoN NeuroNs: state of the art Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) transistors are commonly used in very-large-scale-integration (VLSI) digital circuits as a basic binary switch that turns on or off as the transistor gate voltage crosses some threshold. Carver Mead first noted that CMOS transistor circuits operating below this threshold in current mode have strikingly similar sigmoidal current– voltage relationships as do neuronal ion channels and consume little power; hence they are ideal analogs of neuronal function (Mead, 1989). This unique device physics led to the advent of “neuromorphic” silicon neurons (SiNs) which allow neuronal spiking dynamics to be directly emulated on analog VLSI chips without the need for digital software simulation (Mahowald and Douglas, 1991). In the inaugural issue of this Journal, Indiveri et al. (2011) review the current state of the art in CMOS-based neuromorphic neuron circuit designs that have evolved over the past two decades. The comprehensive appraisal delineates and compares the latest SiN design techniques as applied to varying types of spiking neuron models ranging from realistic conductancebased Hodgkin–Huxley models to simple yet versatile integrate-and-fire models. The timely and much needed compendium is a tour de force that will certainly provide a valuable guidepost for future SiN designs and applications.


  • Neuromorphic silicon neurons vs. digital neural simulations For all the impressive technical feats in neuromorphic engineering, a basic question often from those uninitiated to the field is: why SiN? To be sure, neural modeling “in silico” as practiced today is still largely digital software-based rather than analog silicon chip-based, and for obvious reasons

  • Building large-scale SiN networks on VLSI chips to mimic complex brain functions remains a great challenge, not least because subthreshold Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) circuits are notoriously highly susceptible to mismatch in transistor threshold voltage and current factor caused by fabrication imperfections and temperature variations (Pavasovic et al, 1994; de Gyvez and Tuinhout, 2004; Kinget, 2005; Andricciola and Tuinhout, 2009)

  • The intrinsic VLSI process variability severely limits the scalability of SiN networks since it is not practicable to fine-tune a large number of analog transistor circuits to correct for mismatch on chip after fabrication

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Neuromorphic silicon neurons vs. digital neural simulations For all the impressive technical feats in neuromorphic engineering, a basic question often from those uninitiated to the field is: why SiN? To be sure, neural modeling “in silico” as practiced today is still largely digital software-based rather than analog silicon chip-based, and for obvious reasons. Building robust large-scale iono-neuromorphic silicon neural networks Emulating neuronal spiking on SiNs is only the first step in neuromorphic modeling.

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