
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is considered a key player in reproduction. The caudal neurosecretory system (CNSS) is a unique neurosecretory structure of fish that may be involved in osmoregulation, nutrition, reproduction, and stress-related responses. However, a direct effect of GnRH on Dahlgren cells remains underexplored. Here, we examined the electrophysiological response of Dahlgren cell population of the CNSS to GnRH analog LHRH-A2 and the transcription of related key genes of CNSS. We found that GnRH increased overall firing frequency and may be changed the firing pattern from silent to burst or phasic firing in a subpopulation of Dahlgren cells. The effect of GnRH on a subpopulation of Dahlgren cells firing activity was blocked by the GnRH receptor (GnRH-R) antagonist cetrorelix. A positive correlation was observed between the UII and GnRH-R mRNA levels in CNSS or gonadosomatic index (GSI) during the breeding season. These findings are the first demonstration of the ability of GnRH acts as a modulator within the CNSS and add to our understanding of the physiological role of the CNSS in reproduction and seasonal adaptation.

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