
Events at Nuremberg, the capital of the Nazi Party, help to frame the Third Reich in historical consciousness. Elaborately choreographed annual party rallies were staged in this imperial city during the Third Reich, which attracted huge numbers of party faithful and generated chilling propaganda for dissemination. It was at Nuremberg, in September 1935, that the Race Laws establishing the definition of who was Aryan were proclaimed, beginning the codification and systematic exclusion of non-Aryans from the rights of German citizenship. Once begun, this process would proceed irrevocably to end with the application of the Final Solution to European Jewry.1 Fittingly, it was in Nuremberg after the end of the war that those held accountable for the horrors of Nazi Germany were brought to justice in trials that riveted world attention. Building on the Moscow Declaration (October 1943) and the London Agreement(August 1945), the occupying powers (the United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and France) established Control Council Law No. 10 in December 1945, which provided for recognition as a crime such acts as crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.2 Ordinance No. 7 of the Military Government of the American Zone (October 1946) provided for the specific organization and powers of military tribunals at Nuremberg to carry out the prosecution of those indicted under Control Council Law No. 10 within the American sector.3 Prosecutions against a variety of sectors of Third Reich society were carried out, including military officers (Goering et al.), industrialists, judicial authorities, and physicians. The Doctors' Trial, officially known as United States v. Karl Brandt et al , opened on December 8, 1946.4 Indicted were 23 individuals (20 physicians and 3 key administrators in the Fuerher's Chancellery, Reich Ministry of the Interior, and the Institute for Military Scientific Research), with …

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