
The clinical presentation of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection can range from mild or moderate disease (80% of the cases) to severe disease (15%) requiring oxygen support, and critical disease (5%), associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome and admission to the intensive care unit (ICU).In critically ill patients, prone positioning can be used to optimize oxygenation. Although there is a favourable response to this strategy, being a life-saving measure, additional associated complications may appear, including compressive neuropathies.Despite respiratory affection being more common, SARS-CoV-2 infection can also attack othersystems and can, under certain conditions, affect the central or peripheral nervous system. It has been described that neurological manifestations can result from the neuroinvasive properties of the SARS-CoV-2 or as an indirect consequence of multiorgan dysfunction. We intend to report the patients who presented with neurological complicationsassociated with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and/or complications of its treatment, followed in our physical and rehabilitation medicine (PRM) service. A retrospective analysis of patients admitted to the PRM ward with outpatient consultation in the context of post-COVID-19 statusbetween April 2020 and November 2021 (the period of the highest prevalence of infection) was carried out. Patients with neurological complications after SARS-CoV-2 infectionandconsequentlya decline in previous functionality were identified. Thirteen patients (23.6%)admitted to the PRM ward had peripheral neurological complications, documented by electroneuromyography, includingGuillain-Barré syndrome, sensory-motor polyneuropathy, peroneal nerve injury, femoral nerve injury, and lumbar plexus injury.The neurological complications of the patients followed in a post-COVID-19 consultation were also evaluated. Eight patients (20%) reported neurological sequelae. Five patients presented peripheral nerve damage (peroneal, accessory, ulnar, and recurrent laryngeal) of undefined aetiology, diagnosed after the acute phase of hospitalization. Two patients had COVID-19 infection followed by ischemic stroke (vertebrobasilar and middle cerebral artery), requiring hospitalization in the acute phase. One patient had COVID-19 infectionfollowed by longitudinal myelitis, with positive anti-myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG). All patients required follow-up by the rehabilitation team with partial recovery of deficits. All patients admitted to the PRM ward with neurological manifestations had critical disease and symptoms compatible with peripheral nervous system involvement. Patients admitted to the PRM consultation had different levels of viral disease severityand had sequelae related to peripheral and central nervous system disorders. Identifying the aetiology of these injuries is essential for us to act on their prevention, particularly with regard to indirect complications, such as compressive neuropathies.It will be necessary to maintain the follow-up of these patients to understand the evolution of the neurological consequences associated with COVID-19.

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