
Neuropeptides synthetised in the enteric nervous system can change the function of the immunocells and play a role in inflammatory processes. In our review the effects of inflammation on the neuropeptide content of nerves and immune cells were compared. Inflamed tissue samples (human gastritis and animal models with experimental colitis and streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus) were examined. The number and contacts of neuropeptide-containing nerves and immune cells were studied using immunohistochemistry, confocal laser microscopy and electronmicroscopy. In inflammation, the number of substance P, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and neuropeptide Y nerve fibres was increased significantly in parallel with the strongly increased number of immunocompetent cells (p<0.001). In inflammatory diseases, a large number of lymphocytes and mast cells were also positive for these neuropeptides. Very close morphological relationship between substance P and neuropeptide Y immunoreactive nerve fibres and immunocells could be demonstrated only in inflamed mucosa. Some of the substance P immunoreactive immunocells were also immunoreactive for tumor necrosis factor alpha and nuclear factor kappa B in the case of inflammation. The increased number of tumor necrosis factor alpha and nuclear factor kappa B immunoreactive immune cells correlated with the increased number of substance P-containing nerve fibres. Substance P, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and neuropeptide Y released from nerve fibres and immunocells can play a role in inflammation. Our results suggest that using substance P antagonists or vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and neuropeptide Y peptides might be a novel therapeutic concept in the management of inflammation. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(35): 1436-1440.


  • Neuropeptides synthetised in the enteric nervous system can change the function of the immunocells and play a role in inflammatory processes

  • Some of the substance P immunoreactive immunocells were immunoreactive for tumor necrosis factor alpha and nuclear factor kappa B in the case of inflammation

  • The increased number of tumor necrosis factor alpha and nuclear factor kappa B immunoreactive immune cells correlated with the increased number of substance P-containing nerve fibres

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A szerzők dolgozatukkal Fehér János professzorra emlékeznek, halálának 10. évfordulóján. Gyulladásos folyamatokban (gastritis, kísérletes colitis, diabetes mellitus) a substance P, neuropeptid Y és vasoactiv intestinalis peptid pozitív idegrostok mennyisége szignifikánsan megemelkedett, s ezzel párhuzamosan a nyálkahártyában lévő immunkompetens sejtek (lymphocyták, plazmasejtek, hízósejtek) száma szintén jelentős mértékben megnőtt (p

Neuroimmunomodulation in the mucosa of the alimentary tract
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