
Abstract Extracranial carotid artery aneurysms are rare complication of atherosclerotic degeneration or traumatic neck injury and are managed with interventional and open surgical approaches with variable results. In cases with technical difficulties rarely managed with parent artery embolization. We present a case of a 50-year-old male with prior history of blunt neck injury during road traffic accident and presented with left-sided neck swelling 8 years after injury, diagnosed with internal carotid artery pseudoaneurysm, managed with parent artery embolization, 3 days later presented with hemiplegia and sudden respiratory distress, evaluated and diagnosed as massive cerebral infarct and acute pulmonary edema, managed with ventilator support and improved clinically within 48 hours, extubated. However patient developed sepsis during the hospital stay and succumbed to disease after 20 days. We present this case in view of rare presentation of neurogenic pulmonary edema following carotid intervention.

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