
Neurofibromatosis (NF) is an AD dysplasi of mesoderm and ectoderm characterized by numerous neurofibromas and cafe-au-lait spot. It can develop on cranial and cavum orbita. Additional abnormalities such as episode of seizure, learning disabilities, and speech difficultie may present. Presented a rare case that has underwent surgery by multidisciplinary team consist of neuro surgeon, plastic surgeon, and ophthalmologist. A 31 years old female patient admitted to Dr.Soetomo Hospital with mass at left face since she was 3 years old. Clinical examination shows a large plexiform mass at left hemifacial, distopia left oculi, and facial deformity. Radiological examination shows a soft tissue mass destructing the left temporal and maxillary bone, a temporal lobe herniation to frontobasal, and a suppression on left optical nerve. In the present time, the patient is satisfied with her performance and vision. The result of surgery is satisfying. ( QM 201 7 ; 01 : 44 - 47 )

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