
Neuroendocrine interactions in thyroid pathology were studied by means of recording and analysis of the constant potential level (CPL) of the brain. The topography of changes in cerebral metabolism upon changes in the thyroid status was determined. A twofold CPL decrease in the central and left temporal areas was shown in hypothyroidism as compared with euthyroidism; in hyperthyroidism, there was a threefold CPL increase in the occipital area and a twofold CPL increase in the frontal and temporal areas as compared to euthyroidism. These variations were associated with corresponding changes in the metabolism of the brain’s energy. The constant potential value averaged over all derivations was approximated by the linear dependence on the logarithms of concentrations of the thyrotropic hormone (TTH), r = −0.70, (p < 0, 001), n = 82. Drawing the dependences of the CPL value in derivation sites on the TTH concentration on a semilogarithmic scale, yielded approximation equations with negative correlation coefficients of −0.53 to −0.7. The method allows for the monitoring of the state of patients and assessment of the efficiency of treatment for thyroid pathology by the change in the CPL in different regions of the brain.

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