
Abstract: Neurodegenerative disorders of the nervous System that Can primarily Characterized by neuron loss. Neurodegenerative diseases Such as Alzheimer, parkinson, Huntington, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Multiple sclerosis are known as Lou Gehrig's disease.The huge body of evidence disorders arise by multifactorial conditions. Alzheimer's and parkinson's disease are most common neurodegenretive disorder. It includes generation of New neurons, the Phenotypic level of essential functions: Sensory & motor, and congnitive abilities. The therapeutic interventions directed toward treatement of these Neurodegenerative diseases. Multiple sclerosis is treated manly immune - suppressers, speed of recovery from relapse and slow down the disease. The neurodegenretive disease have a some therapies like a steam therapy, gene transfer therepy, and the multitarget directed ligands has promising to find new therapies for neurodegenerative disorder , in the Nanotechnology have a great potential for neurotheraputic modalities. The nanomedicines administer from several routes like olfactory, oral and 4 systemic etc. The brain there is the one or more targeting changes for the diseae modifying treatement that is slow disease progression in the Alzheimer’s disease , in the Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Antisense treatement in the development to reduce superoxide dismutase and the huntington’s disease are monoconal antibody in development to blocked the Semaphorin 4D.

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