
One of the primary functions of visual perception is to represent, estimate, and evaluate the properties of material surfaces in the visual environment. One such property is surface color, which can convey important information about ecologically relevant object characteristics such as the ripeness of fruit and the emotional reactions of humans in social interactions. This paper further develops and applies a neural model (Rudd, 2013, 2017) of how the human visual system represents the light/dark dimension of color-known as lightness-and computes the colors of achromatic material surfaces in real-world spatial contexts. Quantitative lightness judgments conducted with real surfaces viewed under Gelb (i.e., spotlight) illumination are analyzed and simulated using the model. According to the model, luminance ratios form the inputs to ON- and OFF-cells, which encode local luminance increments and decrements, respectively. The response properties of these cells are here characterized by physiologically motivated equations in which different parameters are assumed for the two cell types. Under non-saturating conditions, ON-cells respond in proportion to a compressive power law of the local incremental luminance in the image that causes them to respond, while OFF-cells respond linearly to local decremental luminance. ON- and OFF-cell responses to edges are log-transformed at a later stage of neural processing and then integrated across space to compute lightness via an edge integration process that can be viewed as a neurally elaborated version of Land's retinex model (Land & McCann, 1971). It follows from the model assumptions that the perceptual weights-interpreted as neural gain factors-that the model observer applies to steps in log luminance at edges in the edge integration process are determined by the product of a polarity-dependent factor 1-by which incremental steps in log luminance (i.e., edges) are weighted by the value <1.0 and decremental steps are weighted by 1.0-and a distance-dependent factor 2, whose edge weightings are estimated to fit perceptual data. The model accounts quantitatively (to within experimental error) for the following: lightness constancy failures observed when the illumination level on a simultaneous contrast display is changed (Zavagno, Daneyko, & Liu, 2018); the degree of dynamic range compression in the staircase-Gelb paradigm (Cataliotti & Gilchrist, 1995; Zavagno, Annan, & Caputo, 2004); partial releases from compression that occur when the staircase-Gelb papers are reordered (Zavagno, Annan, & Caputo, 2004); and the larger compression release that occurs when the display is surrounded by a white border (Gilchrist & Cataliotti, 1994).

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