
Background: Neurocardiogenic syncope (NCS) is widespread among adolescents, which makes it relevant to study the factors contributing to the implementation of syncopic readiness in susceptible persons. Objective: The aim was to assess the connection between extracurricular activities of adolescents and the emergence of NCS. Methods: The questionnaire survey among the Lyceum students aged 14–18 tried to find out the presence of syncope (presyncope) and its nature in a child’s medical history; the nature and intensity of extracurricular loads; and intensity and success of curricular activities. Results: The study included the results of the questionnaire survey among 286 students (62.2% girls). Syncope and presinkope states were observed in a medical history of 136 (47.6%) students, and 105 (77%) of them had NCS. Independent risk factors for the development of NCS were private lessons with tutors, and only in cases where a child had no other extracurricular classes (creative, sports) — OR 6.4 (95% CI 1.7–24.8). The NCS risk was also higher in adolescents, who had good grades at school — OR 2.2 (95% CI 1.1–4.6). Conclusion: The risk of NCS development in teenage schoolchildren is defined by the area of subject education: high risk of this kind of syncope is in children, who have private classes with tutors and no other extracurricular loads, as well as in children, who have good grades at school.


  • Neurocardiogenic syncope (NCS) is widespread among adolescents, which makes it relevant to study the factors contributing to the implementation of syncopic readiness in susceptible persons

  • Syncope and presinkope states were observed in a medical history of 136 (47.6%) students, and 105 (77%) of them had NCS

  • The NCS risk was higher in adolescents, who had good grades at school — OR 2.2

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Оригинальная статья

Научный центр проблем здоровья семьи и репродукции человека, Иркутск, Российская Федерация. Нейрокардиогенные обмороки (НКО) широко распространены среди подростков, что делает актуальным изучение факторов, способствующих реализации синкопальной готовности у предрасположенных субъектов. Методы: в ходе анкетирования учащихся лицея в возрасте 14–18 лет выясняли наличие в анамнезе ребенка обморочных (предобморочных) состояний и их природу; характер и интенсивность внешкольных нагрузок; интенсивность и успешность учебной деятельности. Синкопе и пресинкопе в анамнезе отмечены у 136 (47,6%) детей, из них у 105 (77%) — НКО. НКО был выше также и у подростков, успевающих в школе (ОШ = 2,2; 95% ДИ 1,1–4,6). НКО у подростков-школьников определяется сферой предметного образования — большую вероятность развития обмороков этого вида имеют дети, занимающиеся с репетиторами и не имеющие при этом других внешкольных нагрузок, а также дети, успевающие в школе. Основное место (около 75%) в структуре синкопальных состояний у детей занимают нейрокардиогенные обмороки (НКО), т. Scientific Centre of Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems, Irkutsk, Russian Federation

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