
The SHIRPA primary screen comprises 40 measures covering various reflexes and basic sensorimotor functions. This multi-test battery was used to compare non-transgenic controls with APP23 transgenic mice, expressing the 751 isoform of human beta-amyloid precursor protein and characterized by amyloid deposits in parenchyma and vessel walls. The APP23 mice were distinguishable from controls by pathological limb reflexes, myoclonic jumping, seizure activity, and tail malformation. In addition, this mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease was also marked by a crooked swimming trajectory. APP23 mice were also of lighter weight and were less inclined to stay immobile during a transfer arousal test. Despite the neurologic signs, APP23 transgenic mice were not deficient in stationary beam, coat-hanger, and rotorod tests, indicating intact motor coordination abilities.

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