
With emerging applications of spinal cord electrical stimulation in restoring autonomic and motor function after spinal cord injury, understanding the neuroanatomical substrates of the human spinal cord after spinal cord injury using neuroimaging techniques can play a critical role in optimizing the outcomes of these stimulation-based interventions. In this study, we have introduced a neuroimaging acquisition and analysis protocol of the spinal cord in order to identify: (i) spinal cord levels at the lumbosacral enlargement using nerve root tracing; (ii) variability in the neuroanatomical characteristics of the spinal cord among individuals; (iii) location of the epidural stimulation paddle electrode and contacts with respect to the spinal cord levels at lumbosacral enlargement; and (iv) the links between the anatomical levels of stimulation and the corresponding neurophysiological motor responses. Twelve individuals with chronic, motor complete spinal cord injury implanted with a spinal cord epidural stimulator were included in the study (age: 34 ± 10.9 years, sex: 10 males, 2 females, time since injury: 8.2 ± 9.9 years, American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale: 6 A, 6 B). High-resolution MRI scans of the spinal cord were recorded pre-implant. An analysis of neuroanatomical substrates indicates that the length of the spinal column and spinal cord, location of the conus tip and the relationship between the spinal cord levels and vertebral levels, particularly at the lumbosacral enlargement, are variable across individuals. There is no statistically significant correlation between the length of the spinal column and the length of the spinal cord. The percentage of volumetric coverage of the lumbosacral spinal cord by the epidural stimulation paddle electrode ranges from 33.4 to 90.4% across participants. The location of the spinal cord levels with respect to the electrode contacts varies across individuals and impacts the recruitment patterns of neurophysiological responses. Finally, MRI-based spinal cord modelling can be used as a guide for the prediction and preplanning of optimum epidural stimulation paddle placement prior to the implant surgery to ensure maximizing functional outcomes. These findings highlight the crucial role that the neuroanatomical characteristics of the spinal cord specific to each individual play in achieving maximum functional benefits with spinal cord electrical stimulation.

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