
Kobe Steel Ltd. has developed an automatic guidance system for controlling the amount of desulphurization reagents to be used in the torpedo cars at Kakogawa Works. The automatic guidance system consists of a neuro-model to simulate the desulphurization process and an optimization system using the neuro-model, which minimizes the cost of desulphurization reagents to be consumed in the process. The conventional guidance system uses three linear multiregression models for predicting the amount of desulphurization reagents needed in three different regions of the hot metal sulphur content. However, the conventional system requires manual adjustment to achieve the required sulphur content in the hot metal. The neuro-desulphurization model developed features: 1) prediction of the sulphur content after the treatment; 2) development of the automatic guidance system; 3) a considerable annual cost savings; and 4) engineering studies to achieve more efficient operational conditions in the future.

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