
To examine the prevalence and types of neural tube defects and the types of anomalies co-occurring with neural tube defects in 6years before fortification of cereal grain flour with folic acid (1992-1998) and 20years after fortification (1999-2018) in South Carolina, a state with a historically high prevalence of these birth defects. The prevalence of neural tube defects was determined by active and passive surveillance methods in South Carolina since 1992. The types of neural tube defects and co-occurring malformations were determined by prenatal ultrasound and post-delivery examination. In the 6 prefortification years, 363 neural tube defects were identified among 279 163 live births and fetal deaths (1/769), 305 (84%) of which were isolated defects of the calvaria or spine. In the 20 fortification years, there were significant reductions in the prevalence and percentage of isolated defects: 938 neural tube defects were identified among 1 165 134 live births and fetal deaths (1/1242), 696 (74.2%) of which were isolated. The current prevalence of neural tube defects in South Carolina (0.56/1000 live births and fetal deaths) is comparable with that nationwide. The continued occurrence of neural tube defects, the majority of which are isolated, after folic acid fortification of cereal grain flours suggests that additional prevention measures are necessary to reduce further the prevalence of these serious defects of the brain and spine.

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