
Most data in real life are characterized by imbalance problems. One of the classic models for dealing with imbalanced data is neural networks. However, the data imbalance problem often causes the neural network to display negative class preference behavior. Using an undersampling strategy to reconstruct a balanced dataset is one of the methods to alleviate the data imbalance problem. However, most existing undersampling methods focus more on the data or aim to preserve the overall structural characteristics of the negative class through potential energy estimation, while the problems of gradient inundation and insufficient empirical representation of positive samples have not been well considered. Therefore, a new paradigm for solving the data imbalance problem is proposed. Specifically, to solve the problem of gradient inundation, an informative undersampling strategy is derived from the performance degradation and used to restore the ability of neural networks to work under imbalanced data. In addition, to alleviate the problem of insufficient empirical representation of positive samples, a boundary expansion strategy with linear interpolation and the prediction consistency constraint is considered. We tested the proposed paradigm on 34 imbalanced datasets with imbalance ratios ranging from 16.90 to 100.14. The test results show that our paradigm obtained the best area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) on 26 datasets.

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