
TrkC null mice have multiple cardiac malformations. Since neural crest cells participate in cardiac outflow tract septation, the aim of this study was to determine at the cellular level the putative neural crest defect. We have identified three types of progenitor cells: stem cells that undergo self-renewal and can generate many cell types, cells that are restricted in their developmental potentials, and cells that are committed to the smooth muscle cell lineage. In TrkC null mice, there is a greater than 50% decrease in stem cell numbers and an equivalent increase in fate-restricted cells. The outflow tract wall is thickened and the endothelial tube is disorganized. We conclude that deletion of the TrkC gene causes precocious fate restrictions of the neural crest stem cell and a defect of the outflow tract endothelium, both of which may contribute to the outflow tract malformations that occur in TrkC null mice.

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