
A parietal-frontal network in primates is thought to support many behaviors occurring in the space around the body, including interpersonal interactions and maintenance of a particular "comfort zone" or distance from other people ("personal space"). To better understand this network in humans, we used functional MRI to measure the responses to moving objects (faces, cars, simple spheres) and the functional connectivity of two regions in this network, the dorsal intraparietal sulcus (DIPS) and the ventral premotor cortex (PMv). We found that both areas responded more strongly to faces that were moving toward (vs away from) subjects, but did not show this bias in response to comparable motion in control stimuli (cars or spheres). Moreover, these two regions were functionally interconnected. Tests of activity-behavior associations revealed that the strength of DIPS-PMv connectivity was correlated with the preferred distance that subjects chose to stand from an unfamiliar person (personal space size). In addition, the magnitude of DIPS and PMv responses was correlated with the preferred level of social activity. Together, these findings suggest that this parietal-frontal network plays a role in everyday interactions with others.

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