
In spite of having deficits in various areas of social cognition, especially in mindreading, Machiavellian individuals are typically very successful in different tasks, including solving social dilemmas. We assume that a profound examination of neural structures associated with decision-making processes is needed to learn more about Machiavellians’ abilities in exploiting other people. More specifically, we predicted that high-Mach people would show elevated activity in the brain areas involved in reward-seeking, anticipation of risky situations, and inference making. To test this hypothesis, we used an fMRI technique to examine individuals as they played the Trust Game. In accordance with our predictions, we found consistent activation in high-Machs’ thalamus and anterior cingulate cortex (player 1), and dorsal anterior insula/inferior frontal gyrus (player 2). We suggest that Machiavellians conduct specific neural operations in social dilemma situations that make them successful in exploiting others. Machiavellians may have cognitive heuristics that enable them to make predictions about the future reward in a basically risky and unpredictable situation.

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