
The larval proleg withdrawal reflex of the hawk moth, Manduca sexta, exhibits robust habituation. This reflex is evoked by deflecting one or more mechanosensory planta hairs on a proleg tip. We examined neural correlates of habituation in an isolated proleg preparation consisting of one proleg and its segmental ganglion. Repeated deflection of a single planta hair caused a significant decrease in the number of action potentials evoked in the proleg motor nerve (which carries the axons of proleg retractor motor neurons). Significant response decrement was seen for interstimulus intervals of 10 s, 60 s and 5 min. Response decrement failed to occur in the absence of repetitive stimulation, the decremented response recovered spontaneously following a rest, and electrical stimulation of a body wall nerve facilitated the decremented response (a neural correlate of dishabituation). Adaptation of sensory neuron responses occurred during repeated hair deflections. However, when adaptation was eliminated by direct electrical stimulation of sensory neurons, the response in the proleg motor nerve still decreased significantly. Muscle recordings indicated that the response of an identified proleg retractor motor neuron decreased significantly during habituation training. Thus, habituation of the proleg withdrawal reflex includes a central component that is apparent at the level of a single motor neuron.

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