
Vision is a powerful source of information for controlling movements, especially fine actions produced by the hand that require a great deal of accuracy. However, the neural processes that enable vision to enhance movement accuracy are not well understood. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that the cortical sensitivity to visual inputs increases during a spatially-constrained hand movement compared to a situation where visual information is irrelevant to the task. Specifically, we compared the cortical visual-evoked potentials (VEPs) in response to flashes (right visual hemifield) recorded while participants followed the outline of an irregular polygon with a pen (i.e., tracing), with VEPs recorded when participants simply kept the pen still. This tracing task was chosen specifically because it requires many different visual processes (e.g., detection of line orientation, motion perception, visuomotor transformation) to be completed successfully. The tracing and resting tasks were performed with normal vision and also with mirror-reversed vision, thereby increasing task difficulty when tracing. We predicted that the sensitivity to visual inputs would be enhanced (i.e. greater VEPs) during tracing and that this increase in response sensitivity would be greater when tracing was performed with mirror-reversed vision. In addition, in order to investigate the existence of a link between the sensitivity to visual inputs and the accuracy with which participants traced the shape, we assigned participants to high performer (HP) or low performer (LP) groups according to their tracing performance in the condition with mirror-reversed visual feedback. Source analyses revealed that, for both groups, the sensitivity to visual inputs of the left occipital and MT/MST regions increased when participants traced the shape as compared to when they were resting. Also, for both groups of participants, the mirror-reversed vision did not affect the amplitude of the cortical response to visual inputs but increased the latencies of the responses in the occipital, temporal, and parietal regions. However, the HP group showed cortical responses that largely differed from those displayed by the LP group. Specifically, the HP group demonstrated movement-related increases of visual sensitivity in regions of the visual cortex that were not observed in the LP group. These increased responses to visual inputs were evidenced in the posterior inferior parietal, temporal–occipital, and inferior-temporal regions. Overall, our results are in line with the assertion that increasing the sensitivity to visual inputs serves to promote relevant visual information for the different processes involved during visually-guided hand movements. Our results also suggest that maintaining accurate hand tracing movements in the presence of discrepant visual and somatosensory feedback requires additional perceptual and spatial information processing that is tightly linked to visual inputs.

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