
This study explores the compensatory neural mechanisms associated with congenital deafness through anexamination of tactile discrimination abilities using high-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). To analyze the neural substrates underlying tactile processing in congenitally deaf individuals and compare themwith hearing controls. Our participant pool included thirty-five congenitally deaf individuals and thirty-five hearing controls. All participantsengaged in tactile discrimination tasks involving the identification of common objects by touch. We utilized ananalytical suite comprising voxel-based statistics, functional connectivity multivariate/voxel pattern analysis (fc-MVPA), and seed-based connectivity analysis to examine neural activity. Our findings revealed pronounced neural activity in congenitally deaf participants within regions typically associatedwith auditory processing, including the bilateral superior temporal gyrus, right middle temporal gyrus, and rightrolandic operculum. Additionally, unique activation and connectivity patterns were observed in the right insula andbilateral supramarginal gyrus, indicating a strategic reorganization of neural pathways for tactile informationprocessing. Behaviorally, both groups demonstrated high accuracy in the tactile tasks, exceeding 90%. However, thedeaf participants outperformed their hearing counterparts in reaction times, showcasing significantly enhancedefficiency in tactile information processing. These insights into the brain's adaptability to sensory loss through compensatory neural reorganization highlight theintricate mechanisms by which tactile discrimination is enhanced in the absence of auditory input. Understandingthese adaptations can help develop strategies to harness the brain's plasticity to improve sensory processing inindividuals with sensory impairments, ultimately enhancing their quality of life through improved tactile perceptionand sensory integration.

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