
Vladimir Putin has long shown himself to be pragmatic in his foreign policy decisions; as such, in terms of international relations Putin can be considered a realist. However, in recent years, changes in the international community’s power structure has led to Russia feeling emboldened to take more hostile actions based on the ideology of neo-Eurasianism. This thesis will analyze neo-Eurasianism’s tenets and discern whether, to what extent, and by what means they have been influencing Putin’s recent foreign policy objectives, strategies, and behavior. I will describe neo-Eurasianism and its role in efforts to re-establish Russia’s great power status. Next, I will discuss three strategies by which this can occur: supporting the development of a multipolar world, strategic reorganization of Russia, and weakening the West. I examine if and to what extent these three strategies can be seen in the context of five case studies: Ukraine, the Eurasian Economic Union, Syria, the 2016 U.S. election and the question of Russian interference, and Venezuela. I find that although the Kremlin’s threats seem to be strategically motivated, they also seem to be influenced by neo-Eurasianist ideology (as seen in efforts to reassert Russia’s position as a prominent power in the world by upsetting the U.S.-led international order and destabilizing the West). Nevertheless, Putin’s neo-Eurasianism is pragmatic and legitimizing, devoid of actual ideological adherence.

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