
Networked multimedia microcomputers provide new ways to help students learn chemistry and to help instructors manage the learning environment. This technology is used to replace some traditional laboratory work, collect on-line experimental data, enhance lectures and quiz sections with multimedia presentations, provide prelaboratory training for beginning nonchemistry- major organic laboratory, provide electronic homework for organic chemistry students, give graduate students access to real NMR data for analysis, and provide access to molecular modeling tools. The integration of all of these activities into an active learning environment is made possible by a client-server network of hundreds of computers. This requires not only instructional software but also classroom and course management software, computers, networking, and room management. Combining computer-based work with traditional course material is made possible with software management tools that allow the instructor to monitor the progress of each student and make available an on-line gradebook so students can see their grades and class standing. This client-server based system extends the capabilities of the earlier mainframe-based PLATO system, which was used for instructional computing. This paper outlines the components of a technology center used to support over 5,000 students per semester.

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