
Connected and/or automated vehicles (CAVs or AVs) have been shown to dampen stop-and-go waves in mixed autonomy traffic, thus improving string stability. However, their effects on network traffic instability due to turning and merging maneuvers are less known. In this paper, we characterize such effects using the macroscopic or network fundamental diagram (MFD or NFD). We first revisit and extend the theoretical two-ring network, and then develop an integrated modeling and simulation framework that explicitly accounts for different microscopic traffic models of human-driven vehicles (HVs), AVs, and CAVs. Results suggest that network traffic instability resulting from turning and merging maneuvers persists even if vehicles become automated and cooperative. When the turning probability is low, the presence of CAVs does not induce a significant change in the bifurcation point of the NFD. Scatter in both link fundamental diagrams (FDs) and NFDs, however, reduces resulting in higher and more stable network flows. When the turning probability is high, AVs without cooperation turn out to worsen network traffic stability, giving rise to an NFD that undergoes bifurcation long before the theoretical critical network density is reached. This is in contrast to the case with CAVs that perform cooperative merging. Results also suggest that, whenever the penetration rate of CAVs is too low or too high, making HVs connected is not as effective in delaying the bifurcation of the NFD as when the penetration rate is moderate. We further compare cooperative merging with adaptive signal control and adaptive driver routing to demonstrate its benefits in improving network flows. Simulation experiments on a real motorway segment in Sydney, Australia are also performed to confirm our findings.

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