
A mutation's degree of pleiotropy (i.e., the number of traits it alters) is predicted to impact the probability of the mutation being detrimental to fitness. For mutations that impact gene expression, mutations acting in cis have been hypothesized to generally be less pleiotropic than mutations affecting the same gene's expression in trans, suggesting that cis-regulatory mutations should be less deleterious and more likely to fix over evolutionary time. Here, we use expression and fitness data from Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene deletion strains to test these hypotheses. By treating deletion of each gene as a cis-regulatory mutation affecting its own expression and deletions of other genes affecting expression of this focal gene as trans-regulatory mutations, we find that cis-acting mutations do indeed tend to be less pleiotropic than trans-acting mutations affecting expression of the same gene. This pattern was observed for the vast majority of genes in the data set and could be explained by the topology of the regulatory network controlling gene expression. Comparing the fitness of cis- and trans-acting mutations affecting expression of the same gene also confirmed that trans-acting deletions tend to be more deleterious. These findings provide strong support for pleiotropy playing a role in the preferential fixation of cis-regulatory alleles over evolutionary time.

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